Penguin Group (Canada), READ Books and the Charles H. Scott Gallery are pleased to invite you to celebrate the launch of Ann Marie Fleming's graphic novel The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam. In addition to the launch we will be screening Fleming's 2003 film of the same name.
Long Tack Sam’s great-granddaughter, the artist and filmmaker Ann Marie Fleming, resurrects his fascinating life in this graphic memoir. Long Tack Sam was born in 1885. He ran away from Shangdung Province to join the circus. He was an acrobat. A magician. A comic. An impresario. A restaurateur. A theater owner. A world traveler. An East-West ambassador. A mentor to Orson Welles. He was considered the greatest act in the history of vaudeville.
Please join us on February 2nd at 2:00pm in the Emily Carr University Theatre (Room SB301) for the screening of The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam to be followed by the book launch reception in the Atrium Gallery at 3:30.
The screening and launch are presented in conjunction with Trust in Me, a group exhibition at the Charles H. Scott Gallery until March 2, 2008.
Ann Marie Fleming is an award-winning Canadian independent filmmaker, writer and artist, born in Okinawa, of Chinese and Australian parentage. Her films include the shorts Blue Skies and Room 710, and the features The French Guy and The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam, which won top honours at both the Reel Asian and Reel World International Film Festivals. She lives in Vancouver. Visit her website at