Libby Leshgold Gallery

Libby Leshgold Gallery is pleased to co-present an artist panel in conjunction with the opening of HOHOL (Hang Out Hang Out Lang), a project presented by artists and curators Patrick Cruz and Christian Vistan with grunt gallery. Featured artists Christopher Baliwas, Patrick Cruz, Ella Gonzales, Ramolen Laruan, Christian Vistan and Thea Yabut will discuss HOHOL and share their ongoing conversations about abstraction and identity in relation to their practices.

The panel will be immediately followed by an exhibition opening reception from 6-9pm across the street at grunt gallery.

Visit the grunt gallery website for details on these and other upcoming events. Please note masks are strongly encouraged to help protect immunocompromised guests and staff.

Poster by Patrick Cruz and Christian Vistan.

Getting Here

TransLink access: nearest SkyTrain stop is VCC Station. #84 VCC/UBC bus stops along Great Northern Way in front of the building.

Bicycle access: ECU campus is located on the Central Valley Greenway. Bike racks are located at the northeast and southwest entrances.

Vehicle access: Public and street parking in the area is greatly reduced due to the Broadway Subway Project construction, which will continue through 2025. There are a dozen stalls available in front of Kafkas Coffee, located on the south-east side of campus and accessible from Carolina St. Underground parking is available at 565 Great. Northern Way, located on the southeast side of campus and accessible from Carolina St.