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¿Conoce Sus Derechos Como Inquilino? Know Your Tenant Rights?

Publisher Solidarity Jersey City

"¿CONOCE SUS DERECHOS COMO INQUILINO? KNOW YOUR TENANT RIGHTS? With renters making up almost 70% of Hudson County, New Jersey residents this zine provided essential information on how renters can protect themselves from the negative effects of renting during a pandemic. Knowing that a city of renters cannot get by during a pandemic without being guaranteed their housing as a human right we created this zine in conjunction with a campaign to cancel rent. As Solidarity Jersey City’s first publication we also included information about the organization to give background on who we are. Knowing that essential information often gets lost in translation we made an effort to provide the zine in both Spanish and English with hopes to release subsequent zines in other languages to represent the diverse communities that make up Jersey City."

Location of production/publication
Jersey City, New Jersey

Date of publication
May 2020

Edition Size
4.25 inches x 5.5 inches
