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Publisher FORTUNE
Author  (editors) Andrienne Palchick, Heidi Ratanavanich, Connie Yu

FORTUNE in the Year of the Pig 2019 was a Philadelphia-based publication project, assembled by/for queer Asian publics. Each of 13 monthly issues used letterpress and risograph printing, featured multiple contributors, and was released through community gathering of varied scale. This year, continuing to re/print was a reminder of the resilience of material archives, and the people who depend on them. Issue 11: TAKE CARE was released as one of our editors recovered from an acute trauma; Issue 13: WAXING, as documentation for our Lunar New Year Party, where we convened with many queer Asian performers and community members, just as COVID-19 was becoming a threat outside of China. Since the shutdown and other ongoing crises of 2020, FORTUNE has responded through means of intimacy other than those we are used to: a Zoom panel with QTPOC-run independent publishing spaces about print futures, a tshirt fundraiser to invest in Black trans livelihood and abundance. Looking forward, FORTUNE is committed to hosting archival inquiries, print-based skill-shares, more collaborations, and many meals with you. We think of self-publishing as a practice of learning, gathering, remembering, and making multiple. As such, FORTUNE will always be a public project, tended to collectively.

11: Eva Wo, Amy Huynh, Serena Hocharoen, Manny Figureroa, Sabine Lipten, Juliana Feliciano Reyes, Tinkel Binkel Corp. / 13: Eva Wo, Sarah Kim, Juliana Feliciano Reyes, Khristina Acosta, Erica 'Quinha' Mukai Faria, Ila Kumar, Chloe He-Niang Wang, Manny Figueroa, Diana Lu, Amanda Wong, Sydney Rae Chin
Location of production/publication
Philadelphia, PA

Date of publication
11: December 2019 / 13: February 2020
