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A Trying Time: An ILSSA Quaranzine for Working Together, Alone

Publisher Impractical Labor (ILSSA)
Author  Emily Larned & Bridget Elmer

Impractical Labor (ILSSA) is a union for reflective creative practice. As a union for artists and makers of all kinds, ILSSA focuses on improving the immaterial working conditions of our members. ILSSA publishes contemplative tools and resources and organizes participatory projects, exhibitions, and events. ILSSA publications typically take the form of a call-and-response. The "ILSSA News Bulletin," a letter and leaflet/poster, was mailed to current members on March 21, 2020, requesting submissions to this book “A Trying Time: An ILSSA Quaranzine for Working Together, Alone.” The book seeks “to document your activities, questions, challenges, suggestions, strategies, remote collaborations, invitations, reading lists, priorities, boundaries, and social distance projects. How has the Coronavirus / social distancing / shelter-in-place / remote everything affected your practice? What are you reading, and/or what do you hope to start soon? What new resources have you found? What are you trying?” ILSSA members' submissions from across the USA (and a handful around the world) are organized chronologically, color coded by weekday. Risograph printed, forthcoming fall 2020.

Carolyn A’Hearn, John Armstrong, Ruth Bardenstein, Anna Lena Phillips Bell, Mari Jaye Blanchard, Shannon Brooks, Sarah Bryant, Amy Burek, Claire Carter, John Caserta, Laura Chessin, Zach Clark, Aaron Cohick, “Michael” Cunningham, Nike Desis, Lauren Emeritz, Maria Epes, Amy Fleming, Meghan Forbes, Rebecca Gilbert, Antonia Grilikhes Lasky, Caprice Hamlin-Krout, Killeen Hanson, Ethan Hayes-Chute, Heather Hietala, Candace Hope, Linda Hutchins, India Johnson, Barbara Bryn Klare, Karen Klein, Karen Krieger, John Labovitz, Katie Latona, Nate Lerner, Robyn Love, Sarah Manning, Kelda Martensen, Catherine Martin, Heather Matthew, Scott McCarney, Sarah Moody, Amber Moore, Lydia Moyer, Melanie Mowinski, Kathryn Myers, Sarah Nicholls, Kathleen O’Connell, Kara Petraglia, Maddie Pinney, Marnie Powers-Torrey, Garrett S. Queen, Erica Quin-Easter, Chris Ruggiero, Diane Ruggiero, Ashley L. Schick, Keri Schroeder, Andrew Shoemaker, Corinna Snyder, Baird Soules, Jessica Spring, Missy Stevens, Theo Stewart-Stand, Mary Tasillo, Terri Tibbatts, Cornelia Walworth, Holly Werner-Thomas, Dan Varenka, Esther S. White, Meg Wiessner, David Yockel, Jr.
Location of production/publication
Bridgeport, CT

Date of publication

Softcover book